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Tim Oberg

Tim Oberg is the founder and CEO of parkrun Australia. He brought the concept to Oz from the UK in 2011, and since then it has grown to involve more than half a million registered runners who front up most weekends to complete a timed 5km in more than 350 local parks and parklands around the country. A committed Squizer, we put our joggers on to catch up with Tim for this week’s Three Minute Squiz.

Robyn Butler

There’s a lot going on in Robyn Butler’s life. An AACTA Award winner (for Upper Middle Bogan), television production company director with husband Wayne Hope (think The Librarians and Very Small Business), actress, writer and mum. And she has not been deterred by the coronavirus crisis with the creation of new series Love in Lockdown starring Eddie Perfect and Lucy Durack. Please welcome this busy Squizer to this week’s Three Minute Squiz. 

Sammy J

Sam McMillan (you’ll probably know him as Sammy J) is a comedian, satirist, writer and broadcaster. And much to our delight, he's a committed Squizer. A mainstay on the Aussie comedy scene for almost a decade, Sam has performed at the big festivals in Edinburgh and Montreal, and had TV hit, Sammy J & Randy in Ricketts Lane with his purple puppet mate. His current ABC Comedy series, simply titled Sammy J, was nominated for a 2019 AACTA award.

Fiona Strang's Layered Salmon Cheesecake

All we know is she says it's delicious...

Gillian Bradford

Gillian Bradford is an accomplished journalist, manager and all round Canberra Press Gallery legend. And she’s lived through some stuff… History-changing events, hard decisions to make about difficult stories, and managing a team of 50ish journos and camos – it’s no wonder she’s currently on a break and spending time with her son Lachlan. Please welcome Gillian to the Three Minute Squiz.

Karen Madden

Everybody needs a Karen Madden in their lives. Yes, she’s a marketing whiz who’s been at the top of her field at Woolworths and Nine. But it’s her ability to forge ahead in any difficult situation with her sharp sense of humour intact that we admire. That’s why she’s been a trusted sounding board for The Squiz since the get-go. Please welcome Karen to this week’s Three Minute Squiz.

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Sunbeam's Fluffy Pikelets

This recipe is an oldie but a goodie. And you don't need to use all the batter at once - it will hold up in the fridge to use the next day.

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