Squiz Quiz – 1 June 2024

1. Australia’s Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus announced he is overseeing…

Correct! Wrong!

Our current laws only impose civil penalties and the government want to make them criminal penalties.

2. Immigration Minister Andrew Giles is in hot water after signing off what numbered ministerial direction?

Correct! Wrong!

It came into effect last year and it's seen dozens of foreign nationals convicted of serious crimes escape deportation.

3. What is the latest commodity to see Chinese sanctions lifted?

Correct! Wrong!

China will lift its export bans on 5 big Aussie meat exporters.

4. Which Canberra institution enforced an evacuation order on protestors this week?

Correct! Wrong!

Stating an “unacceptable safety risk” was being caused by the protesters.

5. Why was Country Road Group in the headlines this week?

Correct! Wrong!

It includes some pretty serious allegations, and reports say affected staff reckon their allegations weren’t taken seriously.

6. Queensland Premier Steven Miles made what transport-related announcement this week?

Correct! Wrong!

He says it will help ease the cost of living pressures, saving commuters “thousands of dollars” while helping to “bust congestion”.

7. What is the latest company to fall victim to a major cyber attack?

Correct! Wrong!

People's phone numbers, credit card details, and email addresses have been leaked...

8. Which Aussie topped the Financial Review's Rich List for 2024?

Correct! Wrong!

The view's not too bad from the top...

9. Umm what is the twice annual ‘Manhattanhenge'?

Correct! Wrong!

Yes, it is as beautiful as it sounds…

10. A Perth man was crowned a cheesy champ this week after he?

Correct! Wrong!

And he knocked out a British man dressed in a gorilla costume to take the win.

Squiz Quiz - 1 June 2024

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