/ 13 February 2023

Questions about winners and losers


Awards season continues, and the Brit Awards have highlighted some issues with removing gendered categories. Last year was the first time organisers changed their approach to be as “inclusive and relevant as possible”. That followed singer/songwriter Sam Smith being left out of the gendered categories (aka the ‘best male’ and ‘best female’ awards) in 2021 after announcing they identified as non-binary. “Let’s celebrate everybody, regardless of gender, race, age, ability, sexuality and class,” Smith said at the time. So last year’s change was welcomed – until this year when no women were nominated for ‘artist of the year’… Yesterday, Smith – who was latexed up but missed out to Harry Styles – said that there was “so much incredible female talent in the UK – they should be on that list.” Commentators say the organisers of similar events have paid close attention… Which is a long way of saying here’s your Brit Awards red carpet gallery

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