/ 16 March 2023

Nerds cash out


Are we all stamp geeks now? A new survey from eBay found that 28% of roughly 3,700 consumers see themselves as collectors – and they’re going after pop culture items like Lego, handbags, and playing cards… which might just be making them some cash. An almost-mint 1999 Pokémon card was going for roughly $300 a few years ago – but last year, the average price was (ahem…) $2,400. The price of an Hermès Kelly handbag has apparently jumped by 285% over a similar 3-year period. eBay Australia boss David Ramadge said that collectors are bucking the penny-pinching trends being picked up on the rest of eBay, where cost-of-living pressures have meant buyers are slowing up on everyday purchases. Maybe we could afford that new TV if we could just dig out our old Lego sets…

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