/ 05 September 2024

Feeling fruity in the supermarket

Big Pineapple

With online dating now the default, old-fashioned ‘meet cutes’ have largely gone out the window, but a Spanish actress Vivy Lin is promoting a unique method for seeking out potential dates in her local supermarket… In a TikTok, she walks around a store between 7-8pm, which is supposedly the magic hour when love can strike – but only if shoppers flag their singledom… That’s done by placing a pineapple upside down in their trolley. It might sound bonkers, but we’re all over this trend – putting bananas in trollies to indicate single status has been a rumoured staple for Sydneysiders for decades… Back in Spain though, reports say the new craze known as ‘pineapple-gate’ has taken such a hold over those lusting after another that police have been called in to “restore order”. Imagine what’ll happen when they find out Queensland’s Big Pineapple is open for business…

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