/ 16 January 2024

The US presidential race kicks up a gear…

Image source: Flickr
Image source: Flickr

The Squiz

It’s all systems go for US Republican presidential hopefuls as they make their last-ditch pitches to the party faithful in the midwestern state of Iowa. The state is hosting the first caucus that will see Republican supporters have their say on who the party’s presidential candidate should be to face off against the Democratic President Joe Biden on 5 November. Voting opened at more than 1,500 voting locations across Iowa overnight – just as the state is in the grip of an epic cold snap. And a result should be clear by mid-today our time. 

Any early hot tips?

You might be able to guess who led the final polls in Iowa – that would be former president Donald Trump with 48% of Iowan Republican voters’ support. His main competition comes from Nikki Haley – the former Governor of South Carolina and America’s UN Ambassador under Trump – who is mounting a challenge to Trump, but the polls have her at a distant second in the race. The latest polls have her at 20%, while former Florida Governor Ron DeSantis – another former Trump ally – is polling at 16%. 

Sounds like anything could happen…

Particularly because the weather is so awful. The candidates are urging voters to get out and have their say. “Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it,” Trump told supporters at a rally on Sunday. And it’s just the beginning… After this state-by-state process, there will be the party’s conferences in July and August to confirm the candidates, and then it’s on to the actual presidential campaign and election on 5 November. Here’s a timeline of all the key dates in case you’re playing along. And if you’re wondering about the Democrats, they are going through a similar process with President Biden and 2 others vying for their party’s nomination. It’s unlikely Biden will face any serious challenge as the incumbent, but there’s still a process to go through. Buckle up, it could be a bumpy ride…

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