/ 12 September 2024

Relighting the dumpster Fyre…

Image source: Netflix/Fyre
Image source: Netflix/Fyre

Billy McFarland – the man behind the famously catastrophic Fyre Festival from 2017 – may have spent 4 years in prison for scamming millions of dollars from investors/party-goers, but Fyre II remains on the cards. It’s set to take place around 25 April next year on an island off the coast of Mexico with tickets costing from $2,100-$1.65 million. “We have the chance to embrace this storm and really steer our ship into all the chaos that has happened,” McFarland said in a statement we think was meant to instil confidence… He hasn’t booked any musical acts but says he’s hired a festival production company to “handle the stages and the bathrooms and all the stuff that I clearly don’t know how to do.” As for a famous cheese sandwich comeback – it’s also on track. “We’re going to make them, like, really good. Like, that’ll be the highest-priced food item, I think,” he says.

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