/ 21 June 2024

A hairy story, a doco about the classiest man in tennis, and a delicious doughnut kinda sandwich…

Roger Federer

There’s been a bit of news around this week about North Korea, but one thing you might not know is how the Hermit Kingdom makes money from selling fake eyelashes and hair to the West. This article will raise your situational awareness… 

The much-anticipated documentary Federer: 12 Final Days (on Prime) was released this week, and we’ll be serving it up this weekend. Roger Federer, what a legend… But to add to the sales pitch, it’s co-directed by Oscar winner Asif Kapadia – the guy behind Amy and Senna.  

And with no end in sight to the cold weather for much of the country this weekend, we are in need of some serious comfort food… Delia Smith’s doughnut alternative – a deep-fried jam sandwich recipe – will cheer anyone up on a cold day.

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