/ 19 May 2022

NSW announces second Folbigg inquiry

Image source: AAP
Image source: AAP

A 2nd public inquiry will be held into Kathleen Folbigg’s conviction over the deaths of her 4 infant children after the emergence of new scientific evidence. The 53yo has maintained her innocence despite her conviction in 2003, which was largely based on diary entries expressing her anxieties about motherhood. She says her scribblings were taken out of context. Folbigg was granted a public inquiry in 2018 which found there was no natural explanation for the deaths of the babies. But last year, scientists said at least 2 of the children carried a mutant gene that may have contributed to their deaths. That led 90 top doctors and scientists to sign a petition calling for Folbigg’s release. While acknowledging the “disbelief” from some in the community that she will get another chance to clear her name, NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman said the new evidence “cannot be ignored”.

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