/ 28 April 2023

Fighting over jarred coffee

WEATHER - 2023-04-27T210504.731

Instant coffee aficionados would instantly recognise Moccona on supermarket shelves thanks to its iconic glass jar packaging. Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE), the Dutch-American multinational behind the popular brand, takes its packaging seriously – so much that it is now suing Aussie rival Vittoria over accusations its new range rips off its jar design. In documents submitted to the Federal Court, JDE claims Vittoria’s packaging “is likely to mislead a number of ordinary and reasonable consumers of coffee in Australia”. Moccona has been sold in glass jars in Oz since 1960, with Vittoria launching its first instant range in supermarkets in 2021. Vittoria boss Les Schirato said JDE was concerned about losing market share, and with the company’s logo featured prominently on the jar, customers would not be confused. In its cross-claim, Vittoria says Moccona’s trademark is invalid and should be cancelled. Let the coffee wars begin… And in other Aussie IP news, the Katy Perry v Katie Perry saga has reached a conclusion with the singer unable to Roar in victory…

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